Beltane 2017 Sabbat Box Theme Release • The Crystal Box

The Wheel of the Year is turning as always, and it is now time in the Northern Hemisphere to celebrate Beltane, one of the cross-quarter Sabbats and commonly known as one of the four fire festivals of the year. The Sabbat is all about the new life and fertility that is thriving on the earth, and a celebration of the coming summer and the bright and healing power of the sun.
For this year’s fire festival of Beltane we are focusing on an specific element formed from pressure and flame: crystals. We understand crystals naturally “grow” even though they are not alive, so the correspondence to Beltane and its ties to growth, fertility, and increase are a perfect way to observe a specific facet of our Pagan practice and work on our Path.
We have curated a collection of items for this box that celebrates the use and the beauty of crystals and gemstones in our spiritual practice, as well as their ability to be used as spiritual tools. All of the items that we have curated for you to be featured inside The Crystal Box will either be made from crystals, have crystals within the product itsself, or the item is meant to be used in combination with crystals. We hope that you will enjoy learning and working with these sparkling components and are able to connect with what they can bring to your practice.
With the correspondences to the elements of Earth and Fire, the power of heat and stone, the significance of pressure and growth, it is easy to see how crystals can directly relate to the time of Beltane. We hope that each item we are showcasing in this years box will strengthen your connection to these cherished tools of magick.

- Aeden B
Comments 1
Melissa Fuentes
I just opened up my box today and was floored by how much good stuff I got. Good job I’m cracking open the cards tonight!