Mabon 2017 Sabbat Box Theme Release • The Second Harvest
The Wheel of the Year is turning toward the autumnal equinox here in the northern hemisphere. Day and night will once again be equally divided on September 22nd of this year, and from there, the night will overtake the day into the winter.
While the time of the first fruits of the harvest--celebrated at Lammas--has passed, and the earlier fruits and grains are in, the second harvest is the grand gathering of food for storage to get through the long, dark winter ahead. Apples! Pumpkins! Squash! All of the fruits and vegetables we associate with autumn are highlighted and revered at this time.
Throughout history, this time has been marked with a festival of the abundance and bounty of these crops, bringing friends, neighbors, and family together to support one another as the "lean" times approach. Though nowadays, in most areas around the world, we have grocery stores to get us through the "lean" times, but in earlier days, if tragedy or lack struck, a neighbor’s hospitality made the difference between surviving the winter or not. This coming together to share a feast was a way to bond the community and a reminder to look out for one another, while showing gratitude for what we have (a roof over our heads, food to eat, and our health).
It is the spirit of these Second Harvest traditions and rituals that we focus our attention for this year’s Mabon Sabbat Box. We have curated a selection of items that will help you connect, celebrate, and honor this point in the Wheel of the Year and provide ways to offer thankfulness and gratitude for full storehouses and abundance. The themes of Mabon--protection, gratitude, and prosperity, and the importance of home and hearth--are what we focused on when deciding what to curate and include in our Mabon collection this year.
What will you do to celebrate and revere this time of harvest? What rituals or practices do you celebrate to fend off the darkness of winter? We at Sabbat Box hope that you and your community come together to recognize the bounty that ensures survival during the darker days ahead.

- Llyfr Glas
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