Samhain Sabbat Box Theme Release • The Witches' Sabbath

Samhain Sabbat Box - The Witches' Sabbath


As the last herbs dry above the fire and the late autumn vegetables sweeten in the earth before they are laid by the root cellar, we take stock. Not just what is needed for winter, but what has come before us and what may lie ahead. Now is the time to peer into the darkening world and face our fears, our anxieties, not forgetting what we have done and what we have yet to do.

Samhain Sabbat Box The veil between the seen and the unseen is thinnest now, and it calls for a look inward to remember and honor those who are gone from the here and now, who provided for us and protected us. We hearken their lessons and recall the stories they shared for survival in the dark. To remember them, some may observe Samhain by hosting a “dumb supper”—a meal, or place at their table for those who have passed on. So feed the dead. Not for their sake, but for your own. Feed their memory to your soul, your consciousness. They did not live or die in vain; they gave you much, and a night of remembrance and commemoration of those who are now gone is powerful magic.

Our goal with the Samhain Sabbat Box is to hopefully stimulate ideas and provide tools for you as you celebrate the Sabbath of the Witch, so spend some time taking stock. What do you have to work with? What did those who came before you leave you, in body and in spirit? What do you need for the trying times that may lay ahead? What hope can you see in the dark?

At Samhain the wheel of the year turns again and comes to an end of sorts (in fact, in some traditions, Samhain is considered the witches' new year). But every end is a beginning, and we, even in encroaching darkness, left with our thoughts and the gifts from our ancestors, should embrace hope. The fervent hope that light will return, the scales will again tip toward life, and we will flourish once again.

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  • Llyfr Glas
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